Law Enforcement Training Videos
In 2019, Attorney General Josh Stein drafted and championed the Survivor Act, which was signed into law in September 2019. The Survivor Act requires local law enforcement agencies with untested sexual assault kits to take several actions to address their untested inventory:
- Form a multidisciplinary team to review cases.
- Implement a priority case review with the team.
- Set aside previously “unfounded” kits to be reviewed.
These trainings were conducted by an MDT team comprised of professionals from multiple disciplines.
Regional Training Videos
Notifying Survivors of Sexual Assault Kit Results in North Carolina: Best Practices to Facilitate Victim Engagement and Healing
In the next few years, the test results of thousands of sexual assault kits, which had been previously untested, will be received by local jurisdictions in NC. Upon receiving these results, it is the responsibility of local law enforcement, in partnership with victim advocates, to notify every survivor of the results. This communication can be life changing in several ways and it is vital that professionals are equipped to deliver this information in a trauma-informed and victim-centered way.
Cold Case Training – CODIS Hit! Now What?
North Carolina’s sexual assault kit backlog has led to thousands of untested kits being tested. With many of the cases worthy of additional review, new investigations will be initiated. This two-session training will provide relevant information for law enforcement to best pursue these cold cases. Advocates, prosecutors, and SANEs are also encouraged to view as the content is relevant to their work. The training will include how to: interpret laboratory results and understand CODIS notification; utilize protocol to build a case; engage survivors from a trauma-informed, victim-centered perspective; and build resiliency for the work.
Staying SANE: Understanding the Medical Forensic Exam and its Impact on Survivors
Two North Carolina SANEs will provide the “critical facts” you need to know regarding SANE practice and the medicoforensic exam. Participants will be provided foundational concepts regarding the neurobiology of trauma, physical evaluation of injury, documentation, and easy-to-articulate medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology.
Katherine Ariano, MSN, RN, CEN, SANE-A, SANE-P SANE Program Manager Duke University Health System
Lauren Schwartz, BS, RN, SANE-A Director of Sexual Assault Services Interact of Wake County