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TREC Program and Policy Maps

TREC created three maps to display programs and policies recommended by TREC that are in practice in local communities across the state: 1. TREC Recommended Program Map; 2. Judicial Policy Map; and 3. Law Enforcement Policy Map. Each map displays various programs and policies so community members and leaders can explore the resources in place in their community and their neighbor’s. This allows directly impacted people to get access to necessary programs and take advantage of policies in force. It also promotes peer learning by enabling local government policymakers to connect to those who have already implemented a proposed policy.

For service providers or system actors: If you wish to add your program or policy, please fill out the form linked here:

Tips for Navigating within the Maps:

  • To enlarge a map for easier navigation, click on the open square in the upper righthand corner of the map
  • To view the map key, click on the closed square with a small arrow in the upper lefthand corner of the map
  • To filter for specific program and policy types, check and uncheck the boxes on the left side of the map key
  • To see a full list of programs, agencies, or judicial districts under each program or policy type, click the small carrot under each check box


This map contains the program types listed below. Where available, we also linked to TREC-produced Information Sheets or Sample Policies that can help you start such a program in your community.

  1. Alternative Response Programs: InfoSheet Link
  2. Community Bail Fund + Expunction Programs: Expunction InfoSheet Link
  3. Diversion + Substance Use Harm Reduction: InfoSheet Link
  4. Restorative Justice Programs: InfoSheet Link
  5. Violence Prevention Programs: InfoSheet Link


This map contains the programs and policies listed below. Where available, we also linked to TREC-produced Information Sheets or Sample Policies that can help you start such a program in your community.

  1. Post-arrest Diversion: InfoSheet Link
  2. Use of Court Reminder System
  3. Pretrial Services: Link to Sample Bail Policy (UNCSOG Criminal Justice Lab)
  4. Ability to pay assessments before levying fines and fees: Link to AOC Form
  5. Failure to Appear policies; Mechanism for curing FTAs or OFAs without paying the associated fines and fees
  6. Expunction and Divers License Restoration (InfoSheet Link)


This map contains the program policies listed below. Where available, we also linked to TREC-produced Information Sheets or Sample Policies that can help you start such a program in your community.

  1. Policy on issuing a citation in lieu of an arrest whenever possible for misdemeanors: Link to Sample Policy (UNCSOG Criminal Justice Lab + NCACP Project)
  2. Require officers to obtain a person’s written consent before performing a warrantless search without probable cause: Link to Sample Policy
  3. Ban or resist the use of choke holds by officers: Link to Sample Policy
  4. Limit entry by force: Link to Sample Policy