Release date:
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein announced today that Barbara McDuffie pled guilty to felony Medicaid fraud in Cumberland County Superior Court. The conviction resolves allegations that McDuffie submitted falsified timesheets and medical service notes to the Autism Society of North Carolina for 1,359 hours of medical services she did not provide. McDuffie, who worked in Fayetteville, provided personal care services and in-home skill building services to Medicaid recipients while working for the Autism Society of North Carolina.
“Billing Medicaid for services not provided is not only a waste of taxpayer money, it’s illegal,” said Attorney General Stein. “We will continue to root out fraud and abuse by healthcare providers.”
McDuffie was sentenced to sixty months of supervised probation, 48 hours of community service and must repay $37,440.39 to the Autism Society of North Carolina. She is also prohibited from working for any medical provider who submits billing claims to the Medicaid program while on probation. Other conditions of probation ordered by the court include a payment plan for restitution, curfew, payment of court costs and required employment. This conviction was obtained with the assistance of the Autism Society of North Carolina; the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Service Regulation; Alliance Behavioral Healthcare; and the cooperation of the Honorable William West, District Attorney for Prosecutorial District 12.
About the Medicaid Investigations Division
MID investigates fraud and abuse by healthcare companies and providers, as well as patient abuse and neglect in facilities that are funded by Medicaid. Medicaid is a joint federal-state program that helps provide medical care for people with limited income. To date, the MID has recovered more than $500 million in restitution and penalties for North Carolina.
Laura Brewer (919) 716-6484