For Immediate Release:
Monday, March 16, 2020
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein today announced $928,896 in Environmental Enhancement Grants for environmental programs in Nash, Greene, Johnston, Currituck, Dare, Tyrell, and Wilson counties.
Awards include:
Nash County
Sound Rivers (with NC State University) will receive $100,000 to install best management practices on Wayne and Nash Community College campuses. NC State University staff will conduct the construction.
“This project will prevent and improve water pollution on community college campuses,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “I’m particularly pleased at the way this project harnesses expertise at NC State University and puts it to work in North Carolina communities.”
Greene County
The Town of Snow Hill will receive $60,000 to protect 92 acres of floodway and floodplains including almost 6,000 linear feet along blue-line stream Contentnea Creek.
“This project, which includes a nature preserve and hiking trails, will ensure that North Carolinians have access to recreation and education,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “I am pleased to support this effort to enhance and strengthen Green County’s environment.”
Johnston County
The Town of Smithfield will receive $100,000 to restore 500 linear feet of stream and .75 acre of wetland to protect and enhance the riparian buffer and fish habitats.
The Triangle Land Conservancy will receive $375,000 to acquire 1,120 acres of land south of Smithfield to establish a possible state park, add two miles to the Mountains-to-Sea trail, and protect 660 acres of floodplain, wetlands, and forest.
“These projects strengthen community resources, expand recreational opportunities, and provide educational opportunities,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “They will allow visitors access to all that nature has to offer.”
“Conservation of the 1,120-acre Brogden Bottomlands in Johnston County is vital for the resiliency of our region — the property serves as a refuge for wildlife, acts as a reservoir for stormwater in a rapidly developing area of the state, and is a carbon sink, absorbing more carbon than it releases,” said Sandy Sweitzer, Executive Director of the Triangle Land Conservancy. “This Environmental Enhancement Grant is an important step towards permanent conservation of this property.”
Currituck and Dare counties
Audubon North Carolina will receive $97,604 to create a community-based conservation plan to protect marshes in northeastern NC. The plan will include partner meetings, assessments, and design plans.
“I am pleased to support this effort to preserve marshes in the Currituck Sound,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “Doing so will protect these precious and beautiful resources for generations to come.”
“With support from the Environmental Enhancement Grant Program and in collaboration with a diverse range of partners, Audubon will expand a planning and design project to protect marshes in Currituck Sound for birds and people,” said Cat Bowler, Audubon North Carolina Coastal Resilience Program Manager. “Audubon will leverage EEG funding with state and federal grants from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Coastal Resilience Fund to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for important marsh habitat in Currituck Sound.”
Wilson County
The City of Wilson will receive $150,000 to complete engineering designs for best management practices for stream restoration and stormwater retention on the Hominy Creek Greenway and Water Quality Park.
“This project will reduce water pollution in Wilson,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “I am proud to support this effort, which will strengthen the environment.”
Tyrell County
The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will receive $46,292 to purchase conservation easement for 1,612 acres of farm and forestland.
“I am pleased to support this effort to enhance and strengthen the area’s environment,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “Purchasing these easements will preserve it for generations to come.”
About the EEG Program
These funds are distributed through the Environmental Enhancement Grant (EEG) program, which began after an agreement between the Attorney General’s Office and Smithfield Foods in 2000. Under that agreement, $2 million are provided each year for environmental projects across the state.
Due to ongoing litigation, this year’s is the first grant cycle since 2016. In 2020, Attorney General will distribute more than $3.5 million to 27 grantees.
Laura Brewer (919) 716-6484