For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Contact: Nazneen Ahmed
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein today announced that the 2023 Environmental Enhancement Grant (EEG) cycle is now open and invited North Carolinians to apply for grants that improve our state’s land, water, and natural resources. Letters of intent are due by March 30, 2023, and completed proposals are due by May 12, 2023. More information is available here. Since its creation, the EEG program has awarded more than $41 million to 210 projects throughout the state.
“These environmental grants are helping to improve water and air quality in our state and preserving our natural resources for years to come,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “I hope the many incredible people working hard to protect our land and water, particularly in communities that have been ignored for far too long, consider applying for an Environmental Enhancement Grant.”
Grants range from $5,000 to $500,000 for three-year grants. Government entities and nonprofit organizations, including academic institutions, can apply for funding for initiatives that improve environmental quality in North Carolina. The program has a preference for projects that address environmental harm and damage to overburdened and under-served communities, as well as projects in eastern North Carolina. Potential project areas include land acquisitions, construction, remediation, restoration, planning, education, or research. There is a simplified application process for small grants of $50,000 or less.
EEG grant funds come from a 25-year agreement secured in 2000 between the Attorney General and Smithfield Foods. The program provides $2 million per year for environmental projects.
Read more about the EEG program and access grant forms here.