For Immediate Release:
Friday, October 2, 2020
Laura Brewer (919) 716-6484
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein reached a $122,270.25 settlement with George Edward Hall II and his companies Carolina Structures Inc., Titan Concrete Inc., Carolina Buildings LLC, Titan Outdoor Impressions Inc., Kahuna Concrete, and Affordable Contractors, to resolve a lawsuit alleging unfair and deceptive contracting practices against consumers in the Triangle area. Under the settlement, the consumers victimized by the defendants’ practices will receive full restitution plus interest over a period of four years.
“When consumers hire a business or individual to do work, they are entitled to having that work done well,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “I’m pleased that consumers who complained about these defendants will receive restitution. My office will hold accountable those who take unfair advantage of North Carolinians.”
Attorney General Stein filed a lawsuit against the defendants in January 2019, alleging that they engaged in a contracting scheme that involved taking money from consumers while failing to complete the construction work, failed to refund advance payments to consumers when the work was not completed, used multiple business names to deceive consumers who were searching for a reputable contractor, and made false promises to consumers.
As a result of the settlement, 17 consumers who filed complaints with NCDOJ’s Consumer Protection Division will receive full restitution plus interest over a period of four years. The defendants were prohibited from doing business in North Carolina as a result of a preliminary injunction obtained during the case. They will continue to be prohibited from doing business in the state for another 180 days, at which time they can begin operating again if they comply with the terms of the settlement.
A copy of the judgment is available here.