For Immediate Release:
Friday, July 14, 2023
Contact: Nazneen Ahmed
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein today shared an update on the North Carolina State Crime Lab’s work to analyze evidence and upload DNA to CODIS, the system of local, state, and national criminal justice DNA databases. In June 2023, the Crime Lab uploaded 1,406 samples to the CODIS database, including samples from people who were arrested, people convicted of offenses that require DNA collection, and evidence called through forensic casework.
“Our scientists at the Lab work to deliver justice by analyzing and testing evidence,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “I’m grateful for their hard work, which helps law enforcement solve crimes, gets dangerous people off of our streets, and makes our state safer.”
To date, the State Crime Lab has achieved more than 10,000 CODIS hits and aided more than 7,900 investigations. This month’s CODIS hits stem from a variety of crimes, including homicides, sexual offenses, armed robbery, and assault.
Earlier in June, U.S. Attorney Michael Easley in the Eastern District of North Carolina announced that a man from Wilson was sentenced to 19 years in prison for brandishing a firearm during a robbery. The Crime Lab analyzed gloves from the investigation for DNA and was able to match the DNA to the convicted man.