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Attorney General Josh Stein Statement on Pistol Purchase Permit Repeal

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Contact: Nazneen Ahmed

(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein today released the following statement after the North Carolina General Assembly voted to override Gov. Cooper’s veto of SB41, which includes the pistol purchase permit repeal.

“Today’s move by the General Assembly to repeal our pistol permit law has made our communities less safe. Now, dangerous people – like violent criminals and domestic abusers – will be able to more easily get their hands on guns.

“Too many worry that their kids may not come home from school. Gun violence is a terrifying threat, and eliminating background checks will make the job of law enforcement officers more difficult. While our legislators failed us, I’ll continue to do everything in my power to keep people in our state safe.”
