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Category: Alerts

Attorney General Josh Stein launched Operation Silver Shield to confront scammers and fraudsters who target older North Carolinians. Operation Silver Shield covers all of NCDOJ’s varied work to protect people from scams, take legal action against fraudsters when necessary, and educate people on how best to keep themselves and their parents and grandparents safe. April Scammer Scorecard […]

Friday, April 24, 2020 As people across North Carolina adopt pets during the COVID-19 pandemic, our office has received multiple reports of puppy scams. In these schemes, scammers charge extra fees to people looking to bring home a new pet, ask consumers to pay with gift cards, or even sell non-existent puppies to people. Our […]

Miércoles 22 de abril de 2020 Los estafadores están encontrando nuevas formas de explotar la angustia económica de las personas para robarles su dinero e información personal. Nuestra oficina está al tanto de estafas de llamadas automáticas que incluyen delincuentes que se hacen pasar por funcionarios del gobierno, falsas coberturas de seguro de salud COVID-19 […]

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Scammers are finding new ways to exploit people’s economic distress to steal their money and personal information. Our office is aware of robocall scams that include criminals impersonating government officials, phony COVID-19 health insurance coverage, and fraudulent “easy money” offers to those out of work. As people look for economic relief, […]

Martes 14 de abril de 2020 En medio de la crisis de COVID-19, más carolinianos del norte están trabajando y aprendiendo de forma remota utilizando el Internet de su hogar. Eso hace que sea un buen momento para garantizar que sus sistemas sean lo más seguros posible. Los piratas informáticos y los estafadores están trabajando […]

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 Amid the COVID-19 crisis, more North Carolinians are working and learning remotely using their home internet. That makes now a great time to ensure that your systems are as secure as possible. Hackers and scammers are working overtime to steal your money and personal information, but taking simple security steps like […]

Martes 7 de abril de 2020 Durante la pandemia de coronavirus, los estafadores aprovechan su temor por la seguridad de seres queridos para robar su dinero e información personal. Nuestra oficina ha recibido informes de nuestros socios federales de estafadores dando un nuevo giro a la estafa de los abuelos común durante la pandemia. En […]

Jueves 9 de Abril de 2020 En marzo, el gobierno federal promulgó un paquete de ayuda federal de $ 2 billones, la Ley de Ayuda Económica, Ayuda y Alivio Coronavirus (La ley CARES), para ayudar a compensar algunas de las dificultades financieras que las personas, familias y empresas han enfrentado como resultado de los impactos […]

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 In March, the federal government enacted a $2 trillion federal relief package—the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)—to help offset some of the financial difficulties that individuals, families, and businesses have faced as a result of the economic impacts and job losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The […]

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 During the coronavirus pandemic, scammers are leveraging your fear for your loved one’s safety to steal your money and personal information. Our office has received reports from our federal partners of scammers putting a new spin on the common grandparent scam during the pandemic. In this scam, criminals pose as panicked […]