01/07/25 |
Attorney General Jeff Jackson Sues Six Landlords for Illegally Raising North Carolinians’ Rents |
01/01/25 |
Attorney General Jeff Jackson is Sworn in as North Carolina’s Attorney General |
12/30/24 |
Attorney General Josh Stein Shares Updates on Top Consumer Complaints and CODIS DNA Hits |
12/27/24 |
Attorney General Josh Stein Honors Eastern North Carolinians with Dogwood Awards |
12/13/24 |
Attorney General Stein & Governor Cooper Take Legal Action Challenging Legislature’s Power Grab |
12/12/24 |
Attorney General Josh Stein Honors Western North Carolinians with Dogwood Awards |
12/11/24 |
Governor-Elect Stein Urges Legislature to Put Aside Petty Politics & Step Up for Western North Carolina |
12/10/24 |
Attorney General Josh Stein Reaches $825,000 Health Care Fraud Settlement |
12/10/24 |
Attorney General Josh Steins Sends Warnings to Phone Companies that Have Allowed Robocalls to Bombard North Carolinians |
12/02/24 |
Attorney General Josh Stein Reaches $2.5 Million Medicaid Fraud Settlement |