North Carolina Heirs’ Property Symposium
Join the NC Department of Justice, NC NAACP, and the NC Bar Association for a symposium for lawyers and community leaders on heirs’ property.
Wednesday, April 10 · 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Durham Armory
212 Foster Street Durham, NC 27701
Learn more and register here.
Heirs’ property is created when land is passed down through generations and owned by many descendants with an undivided interest in the land. These owners face an elevated risk of losing their homes to forced property sales via scams or investor buyers, and/or property tax foreclosure. Further, the lack of a clear title makes it difficult for owners to access government or nonprofit assistance programs like home repair or disaster recovery services.
Heirs’ property is prevalent in North Carolina. This symposium will inform lawyers and community leaders about heirs’ property to build up the pipeline of lawyers and advocates who are educated on the topic of land loss prevention and available to assist clients in North Carolina; and 2) educate trusted community leaders and messengers on the risks of land loss, so that they can provide accurate information and tools to those most at risk.