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Officer Search: Certification Status

This page allows for a search of law enforcement certification data, including revocation and suspension data for sworn law enforcement officers in North Carolina.

Both the Criminal Justice and Sheriffs’ Standards Commissions may revoke or suspend an officer’s certification after a finding that the officer committed or was convicted of a criminal offense; or, was in violation of some other Commission rule(s). An officer’s certification may be reinstated or the officer may reapply for certification if the sanction period has elapsed or if the training deficiency has been corrected. Please note that some suspensions are issued for failure to complete a required training, rather than for any criminal act.

Officer’s first and last name should be entered as it appears in our database. You may also perform a search by entering the first letter of the individual’s first name and the first three letters of the last name; however, please be aware that this method may yield multiple results. You may also narrow your search by entering an employer name or county, but be aware using these fields may cause certain records to be omitted from the search results if they do not match the officer’s current primary employment data in our system.

Status Glossary:

Active – The certification is in an Active status

General – The certification is in an Active status

Probationary – The certification is in an Active probationary status

Inactive – The certification is in an Inactive status (due to separation, expiration or other non-punitive action)

Suspended – The certification is in a Suspended status

Summary Suspension – The certification is in a Suspended status pending Commission action

Revoked – The certification is in a Revoked status

Surrendered – The certification was Surrendered by the officer


If a person has not been certified in the last 10 years, their certification history may not be displayed in this system unless they have revocation or suspension data.

Certification data for deceased persons is not displayed through this system. If you require information on a deceased person, please reach out to CJ or Sheriff’s Standards.

This information is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge; and is updated in real time as certification actions are entered in our database.

Request Verification of Certifications – Acadis® Portal