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Sample Policies and Information Sheets

Many recommendations by the Task Force advocated for the implementation of specific policies or establishment of new programs.  Over the past year, we realized a resource gap exists for many stakeholders to research and draft policies on top of their regular duties. On the programmatic front, getting started can be the hardest part – gathering best practices, understanding funding options and thinking through necessary partnerships can be big lift for already busy law enforcement and judicial officers.    ​​

Therefore, we have created or collected Sample Policies and Information Sheets for TREC Recommended Programs. We have also created One Pagers to distill the TREC Report into immediate, actionable steps to be taken by a specific system actor. 

Law Enforcement Agencies

  1. Traffic StopsLink To Sample Policy Document (PDF)
    • TREC Recommendation #13: Prioritize traffic stops that improve public safety
    • Author(s): TREC
  2. Consent Searches:  Link To Sample Policy Document – (PDF)
    • TREC Recommendation #14: Require all consent searches to be based on written, informed consent
    • Author(s): TREC
  3. Citation in Lieu Arrest:  Link To Model Policy Document
    • TREC Recommendation #18: Encourage citations and summons in lieu of arrest whenever possible
    • Author(s): UNC SOG Criminal Justice Innovation Lab and North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police
  4. One Pager: Law Enforcement (PDF)
  5. Use of Force: Link To Sample Policy Document – (PDF)
    • TREC Recommendations:
      • #26: Change entry by force statute
      • #31: Strengthen use of force practice
      • #32: Require officers to have first aid kits and render aid
      • #33: Enact agency policies requiring a duty to intervene and report excessive use of force or other abuse
      • #34: Establish early intervention systems
    • Author(s): TREC

Local Government/Community Actors

  1. Reimagining Emergency Response: Link To InfoSheet
    • TREC Recommendation #1: Respond more appropriately to situations concerning mental illness, autism, intellectual disabilities, substance abuse, homelessness, and other nonemergency situations
    • Author(s): TREC
  2. Pre Arrest Diversion:  Link To InfoSheet
  3. Post Arrest Diversion: Link To InfoSheet
    • TREC Recommendation #16: Establish and expand access to diversion programs 
    • Author(s): TREC
  4. One Pager: Local Government Officials
  5. One Pager: Juvenile Justice System Actors
  6. Violence prevention (Link To InfoSheet)
  7. Restorative justice  (Link To InfoSheet)

Judicial Actors

  1. Ability to Pay Rule
    • Recommendation #101: Assess a defendant’s ability to pay prior to levying any fines and fees.
    • Author(s): N.C. Supreme Court
    • In December 2021, the North Carolina Supreme Court issued an Order Adopting Rule 28 of the General Rules of Practice for Superior and District Courts that creates a procedure for defendants to file a motion for an assessment of their ability to pay legal financial obligations. Once a defendant files a motion, the court must consider the motion and, if necessary, conduct a hearing prior to imposing costs, fees, fines, restitution or other monetary obligations. This rule provides defendants across the state the opportunity to advocate for relief from financial penalties they are unable to pay and requires courts to consider defendants’ economic status. The official motion form, AOC-CR-415 “Request for Relief from Fines, Fees, and Other Monetary Obligations,” can be accessed here.
  2. Bail / Pretrial Model Policy:  Link To Policy
    • TREC Recommendations #79-83: Improve pretrial release and accountability practices
    • Author(s): UNC SOG Criminal Justice Innovation Lab
  3. School Justice Partnerships:  Link To Policy (PDF)
    • TREC Recommendation #24: Encourage school justice partnerships
    • Author(s): North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts
  4. One Pager: District and Superior Court Judges: Link to One Pager
  5. Suggested Jury Practices (PDF)
    1. TREC Recommendations #91-93: Promote Inclusive and Impartial Juries
    2. Author: Duke Law CCJPR Inclusive Juries Project
  6. Tips for Achieving a Representative Jury Pool
    1. TREC Recommendations #91-93: Promote Inclusive and Impartial Juries
    2. Author: Duke Law CCJPR Inclusive Juries Project and TREC Judicial Committee
  7. Expunction and Divers License Restoration (InfoSheet Link)

TREC Monthly Clips

TREC’s monthly newsletter highlights progress on some of our recommendations across North Carolina.

May-June 2024 Clips

January-February 2024 Clips

October-December 2023 Clips

August-September 2023 Clips

June-July 2023 Clips

April-May 2023 Clips

January-March 2023 Clips

March 2022 Clips

April 2022 Clips

June 2022 Clips

July 2022 Clips

August 2022 Clips

September and October 2022 Clips