For Immediate Release:
Friday, May 20, 2022
Contact: Nazneen Ahmed
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein today praised the Federal Communications Commission for adopting new rules to prevent illegal robocalls that originated overseas from coming into the U.S. phone network. Attorney General Stein, along with Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, led a bipartisan coalition of 51 attorneys general urging the FCC to put these guardrails for gateway providers in place in January.
“I’m pleased that the FCC is stepping up efforts to prevent scammers overseas from accessing our phone networks and bombarding Americans with endless, harmful calls,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “These con artist robocallers can’t get to our phones unless they’re allowed in the country by gateway providers looking to make a quick buck by turning a blind eye to these illegal calls. It is wrong and violates state and federal laws. I’m grateful to my fellow attorneys general of both parties for joining me in encouraging the FCC to take these measures to stem the scourge of robocalls.”
Attorney General Stein also filed a pathbreaking lawsuit against gateway service provider Articul8 in January for routing more than 65 million calls to phone numbers in North Carolina.