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AG Stein on 2016 Election Study

Release date:

(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein released the following statement in response to the North Carolina State Board of Elections’ Post-Election Audit Report.

“The post-election audit report demonstrates that there was no widespread or purposeful misconduct in the 2016 election in North Carolina. We do not want any ineligible voting, but what little ineligible voting that occurred was not limited to any specific location, political party or demographic group – suggesting that there was no coordinated effort. The right to vote is among our most fundamental rights, and North Carolina should work to make the process as clear and easy as possible so the people can hold their government accountable.”

The North Carolina Department of Justice has not been asked to prosecute any cases of voter fraud related to the 2016 election. Should any such cases be referred to our office, the Department is prepared to take appropriate legal action.

Overview of the report’s findings:

·early 4.8 million North Carolina voters participated in the 2016 general election – the largest turnout in state history.
·Of that nearly 4.8 million, 508 ineligible voters cast ballots, representing .01 percent.
·Of those 508 ineligible voters, 441 are ineligible because they are active felons, 41 are non-citizens, 24 voted twice and two were found to have impersonated voters.

Laura Brewer (919) 716-6484
