Thursday, December 16, 2021
Our office and the North Carolina Division of Employment Security (DES) have both seen a recent increase in fraud against the state’s unemployment benefits system. Scammers who obtain stolen identifying information online attempt to file fraudulent unemployment claims in other people’s names.
While DES has taken action to put fraud safeguard in place, you should be on the lookout for claims using your identity. If you or your employer receive a notice from DES for a claim you did not submit, follow these tips to protect yourself:
- Report suspected unemployment fraud to DES using the online Fraud Report Form at des.nc.gov/fraud or by calling the Fraud Hotline at 984-465-9224. Consumers can also report unemployment fraud to the U.S. Department of Labor at https://www.oig.dol.gov/hotlinecontact.htm.
- Protect your personal information. Never give out your Social Security number, bank account number, or other personal information unless you’re sure of where it’s going. If scammers get their hands on this information, they can use it to commit fraud in your name.
- Take steps to prevent future fraud in your name by getting a free security freeze and create a recovery plan at IdentityTheft.gov.
If you believe that you have been the victim of a scam, contact our office’s Consumer Protection Division at ncdoj.gov/file-a-complaint or 1-877-5-NO-SCAM.