Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Parents of infants in North Carolina are struggling to feed their babies during the current baby formula shortage. But instead of helping parents in this perilous position, scammers are looking to take advantage of this crisis to steal a quick buck.
Here’s what you need to know: If you our someone you know is unable to find baby formula, contact your health care provider to create a feeding plan. Parents may also want to contact community organizations like NC 211 (dial 2-1-1) to be referred to resources including food pantries or other sources of baby formula.
We know this is a desperate time for many parents, but please follow these tips to avoid getting scammed.
- Avoid buying formula from auctions, unknown sellers, or overseas sellers. Scammers may post fake products online to try to steal your money.
- Check out sellers before you buy from them. Look them up online to see if they have bad reviews, check with the Better Business Bureau, or call our office at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM.
- Do not buy someone’s homemade infant formula. These recipes are not evaluated by the FDA and may lack necessary nutrients or have unverified ingredients.
- Use a credit card to make purchases in case you need to dispute the transaction later.
- Never fall for scammers pretending to be from a government agency who contact you and ask to collect recalled baby formula. You can check product recalls on the manufacturer’s website and if your product is recalled, take it back to the store.
- Report price gouging concerns on baby formula to our office.
While parents across North Carolina work to find an adequate supply of baby formula, following these tips can help protect your child’s health and your money. If you believe that you have been the victim of a scam, call our office at 877-5-NO-SCAM or file a complaint online at https://ncdoj.gov/file-a-complaint/.