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Professional Certificate Program

The North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission offers the Professional Certificate Program to recognize the level of competency of officers serving governmental agencies within the State, to foster increased interest in college education and professional training programs, and to attract highly qualified people into law enforcement and criminal justice careers.

Eligibility for professional certificates is determined by a formula that combines formal education, professional training, and work experience as a law enforcement or criminal justice officer.

The Commission makes these awards available under the authority granted pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 17C, and in accordance with 12 NCAC 09 Subchapter D.

Point Computation Formula

Awards are based upon a formula which combines formal education, law enforcement or criminal justice officer training, and actual experience as a law enforcement or criminal justice officer. Points are computed in the following manner:

  • Education – Each semester hour of college credit shall equal one point and each quarter hour shall equal two-thirds of a point.
  • Training – Twenty classroom hours of Commission-approved law enforcement training shall equal one point. Commission-mandated BLET hours, Commission-mandated in-service law enforcement trainings, and non-law enforcement trainings are not credited towards a law enforcement officer’s training point total. BLET hours and non-criminal justice training are not credited towards a criminal justice officer’s training point total.
  • Experience – Only experience as a full-time, sworn, paid member of a law enforcement agency (for law enforcement professional certificates) and experience as a full-time, paid officer (for criminal justice professional certificates) or equivalent experience shall be acceptable for consideration.

Please see the Law Enforcement Professional Certificate Brochure (Form F-6A) and Criminal Justice Professional Certificate Brochure (Form F-7A) for more information.

General Provisions for Law Enforcement Professional Awards

To be eligible for one or more of the law enforcement professional awards, a law enforcement officer shall first meet the following preliminary qualifications:

  • Holds general law enforcement officer certification OR has previously held general law enforcement officer certification, but is presently, by virtue of promotion or transfer, serving in a non-sworn position not subject to certification.
  • Is not serving under a probationary certification, subject to suspension or revocation proceedings, or under investigation for possible decertification action by the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission, the Company and Campus Police Program, or the NC Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission.
  • Is familiar with and subscribes to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.
  • Is a full-time, sworn (or has promoted or transferred to a non-sworn position not subject to certification), paid member of a law enforcement agency within the state.

Intermediate Law Enforcement Certificate

To be eligible for the Intermediate Law Enforcement Certificate, a law enforcement officer should meet the following qualifications:

  • Meets the qualifications to receive a Professional Award; and
  • Has accumulated at least thirty-two (32) points and at least eight (8) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has accumulated at least forty (40) points and at least six (6) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has accumulated at least forty-eight (48) points and at least four (4) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has an Associate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least sixteen (16) points and at least four (4) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has a Baccalaureate Degree from a accredited institution; has accumulated at least eight (8) points and at least two (2) years of creditable experience.

Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate

To be eligible for the Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate, a law enforcement officer should meet the following qualifications:

  • Meets the qualifications to receive a Professional Award; and
  • Has accumulated at least forty-eight (48) points and at least twelve (12) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has accumulated at least sixty (60) points and at least nine (9) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has an Associate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least thirty-six (36) points and at least nine (9) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least twenty-four (24) points and at least six (6) years of creditable experience.
  • Has a Graduate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least sixteen (16) points and at least four (4) years of creditable experience.

General Provisions for Criminal Justice Professional Awards

To be eligible for one or more of the criminal justice professional awards, a criminal justice officer shall first meet the following preliminary qualifications:

  • Holds general criminal justice officer/state youth services officer certification OR has previously held general criminal justice officer/state youth services officer certification, but is presently, by virtue of promotion or transfer, serving in a position not subject to certification.
  • Is not serving under a probationary certification, subject to suspension or revocation proceedings, or under investigation for possible decertification action by the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission, the Company and Campus Police Program, or the NC Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission.
  • Is a permanent, paid member of a criminal justice agency within the state.

Intermediate Criminal Justice Certificate

To be eligible for the Intermediate Criminal Justice Certificate, a criminal justice officer should meet the following qualifications:

  • Meets the qualifications to receive a Professional Award; and
  • Has accumulated at least thirty (30) points and at least eight (8) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has accumulated at least sixty (60) points and at least six (6) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has accumulated at least ninety (90) points and at least four (4) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has an Associate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least fifteen (15) points and at least four (4) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least ten (10 points and at least two (2) years of creditable experience.

Advanced Criminal Justice Certificate

To be eligible for the Advanced Criminal Justice Certificate, a criminal justice officer should meet the following qualifications:

  • Meets the qualifications to receive a Professional Award; and
  • Has accumulated at least sixty (60) points and at least twelve (12) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has accumulated at least ninety (90) points and at least nine (9) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has an Associate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least twenty-five (25) points and at least nine (9) years of creditable experience; or
  • Has a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least fifteen (15) points and at least six (6) years of creditable experience.
  • Has a Graduate Degree from an accredited institution; has accumulated at least ten (10) points and at least four (4) years of creditable experience.

How to Apply for an Award

1. Compute your qualifications. You may use the Law Enforcement Professional Certificate Worksheet Form F-6B or Criminal Justice Professional Certificate Worksheet Form F-7B for your assistance.

2. Compare your education, accumulated points and your total creditable experience with the requirements listed on this page.

3. If you are qualified to receive an award, complete the Application for Award of Law Enforcement Certificate Form F-6 (for law enforcement officers) or Award of Criminal Justice Certificate Form F-7 (for criminal justice or state youth services officers) and attach the necessary documents to verify your qualifications. Education and training MUST be supported by official transcripts, copies of diplomas, official training records, or other documentation.

4. Return the application and other documentation to your agency head or training coordinator for his or her endorsement. No award shall be issued unless recommended by an agency head or training coordinator.

5. Have your agency head or training coordinator forward your application and other documentation to the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Division by mail, fax, or email at the addresses below.

Mailing Address:
Criminal Justice Standards Division
PO Drawer 149
Raleigh, NC 27602-0149
Fax: (919) 779-8210

6. If the Commission elects to grant the Advanced Certificate award, you will have the opportunity to receive your award during the quarterly Commission Meeting or have it mailed to your agency. Applicants should note that the Advanced Certificate applications must be presented to the Commission for approval at quarterly meetings. This requirement may result in a 3- to 4-month processing period for the Advanced Certificate award.

Applications and Brochures

Professional Certificates


F-6 Application for Award of LE Certificate

Size: 714.02 KB
Hits: 957
Date added: 14-01-2025
Date modified: 14-01-2025

F-6A LE Professional Certificate Brochure 1-24

Size: 119.50 KB
Hits: 4678
Date added: 25-01-2024
Date modified: 25-01-2024

F-6B LE Professional Certificate Worksheet

Size: 123.14 KB
Hits: 688
Date added: 14-01-2025
Date modified: 14-01-2025

F-7 Application for Award of CJ Certificate

Size: 708.51 KB
Hits: 437
Date added: 14-01-2025
Date modified: 14-01-2025

F-7A CJ Professional Certificate Brochure 1-24

Size: 119.38 KB
Hits: 2847
Date added: 25-01-2024
Date modified: 25-01-2024

F-7B CJ Professional Certificate Worksheet

Size: 133.98 KB
Hits: 470
Date added: 14-01-2025
Date modified: 14-01-2025