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The Attorney General may issue legal opinions to state agencies and officials. These opinions provide advice on legal matters. While these opinions do not have the full effect of law or court order, they provide the State’s interpretation of the legal question presented and should be complied with by State agencies and officials.

Requesting a Legal Opinion

The General Assembly, Governor, Auditor, Treasurer, or any other State officer may ask the Attorney General for an opinion (N.C.G.S. § 114-2(5)).

  • State officers may request opinions by writing to the Attorney General at the Attorney General’s Office, 9001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-9001.
  • The Attorney General is not authorized to provide legal advice or give legal opinions to the public.

Legal Opinion Copies

  • Viewable/downloadable Attorney General opinions are available on this page approximately one week after issuance.
  • Copies of opinions prior to 1977 can be obtained free of charge by calling (919) 716-6400 or emailing the office.
  • Printed copies of opinions are also available at the NC Supreme Court Library and other law libraries across the state.

Legal Opinion Search


Date Title Statute Requestor
08/26/93 Second Offense DWI; Mandatory Punishment 48 Consecutive Hours 20-138.1, 20-179, Parker, Joe
08/24/93 Authority of County to Enact Solid Waste User and Availability Fees 130A-309.04, 153A-292, Bass, Paula
08/16/93 Smoking in Public Places 143-601, Hines, Clay Tee
08/16/93 Participation in the State’s Purchase and Contract System 143-49, 96-9, Aycock, C. Ronald
08/16/93 State Board of Refrigeration Examiners; Authority to Adopt Regulations 87-52, 87-54, Broughton, Robert
08/13/93 Directions by Decedent Regarding Funeral Arrangements in a Preneed Contract 28A-13-1, 90-210.41, 90-210.60, Hoke, William
08/09/93 Authority of State-Chartered Credit Unions to Act as Signature Guarantors for Securities Transfers 54-109.21, Mann, George
08/06/93 North Carolina Information Highway Project N/A Renfrow, Edward
08/05/93 Action Necessary for a Bill to Become Law N/A Tillett, Jerry
08/05/93 Right of Children in Residential Facilities to Attend Public Schools 115C-140.1, 115C-355, 115C-366, Jackson, Roger
07/29/93 Family and Medical Leave Act N/A Browning, Paul
07/28/93 State Board of Education Power to Act Through Proxies 115C-11, 147-75, Harris, Kenneth
07/28/93 Proposed Contract Between UNC Charlotte and First Union Bank 116-191, Steimer, William
07/21/93 Constitutionality of House Bill 935 N/A Etheridge, Bob
07/20/93 Employee Insurance Committees 58-31-60, Miller, George
07/20/93 Raffles/Drawings 14-309.15, 18B-308, Dale, Rolland
07/20/93 Use of Modulating Headlights on Fire Cheif’s or Assistant Ch ief’s Private Vehicles 20-125, Owens, ChucK
07/16/93 Obligation to Fill a Vacancy on the Cabarrus County Board of Education 115C-67, 115C-68.3, Stacks, Leslie
07/14/93 Local Government Approval for Sanitary Landfills 130A-294, 130A-39, 153A-132.1, 153A-136, 160A-319, Evans-Stanton, Sherri
07/13/93 Senate Bill 1245 105-203, 105-267, Winner, Dennis
07/08/93 Bear Hunting 103-2, Hamilton, Richard
07/07/93 General Contractor’s License is Required to Construct Building Financed 87-1, 87-10, 87-9, Selph, Mark
07/07/93 Family and Medical Leave Act N/A Browning, Paul
07/02/93 Local Coastal Fishing Laws 113-133, 113-133.1, Grady, Robert
07/01/93 Interpretation of Administrative Code Governing Community Colleges 115C-47, 115D-1, Graves, Ellanor
06/30/93 Confidential Legislative Communications 113-133, 120-131, Grady, Robert
06/30/93 Confidential Legislative Communications 113-133, Grady, Robert
06/28/93 Federal Forfeiture of Property held Through an Estate by the Entirety 75D-1, 75D-3, 75D-5, 75D-8, Williams, B. Frederic
06/23/93 House Bill 818 153A-99, 160A-169, 95-78, 95-84, 95-97, 95-98, 95-98.1, Cooper, Roy
06/18/93 Eligibility of a Director of a Bank to Serve as a Member of the State Banking Commission 53-1, 53-135, 53-37, 53-43, 53-67, 53-78, 53-8-50, 53-92, 53A-1, 53A-20, 54B-4, 55-1-01, 55-8-01, 55-8-41, 55-8-51, 55-8-55, 55-8-56, Graham, William
06/18/93 House Bill 1109 153A-275, 158-7.1, 160A-312, Hackney, Joe
06/17/93 Power of Cities to Appropriate Funds to Local School Boards for Parking Lots 160A-302, Alexander, R. Lewis
06/09/93 Scope of a Facility’s Notification to Law Enforcement Agencies that a Client has Escaped 122C-205, Hall, M.F.
06/08/93 State Ports Authority; Public Utility Status 116-35, 62-2, 62-3, Scott, J.J.
06/08/93 Counties’ Reduction Of Contributions To Area Authorities 122C-146, 122C-147, 122C-2, Britt, C. Robin
06/04/93 Career State Employees 126-1A, 126-36.2, 126-39, 126-7.1, Penny, Ronald
06/03/93 State Education Assistance Authority Contingency Reserve Trust Fund 116-204, 116-209, 116-209.3, Broadway, Stan
05/24/93 Preneed Funeral Arrangements by Bank Trust Departments 90-210.20, 90-210.25, 90-210.30, 90-210.34, 90-210.60, 90-210.67, Carpenter, Donald
05/24/93 Ad Valorem Tax on Personal Property of Non-service members Located on Fort Bragg 104-7, Johnson, G.B.
05/20/93 Employee Insurance Committee 58-31-60, Garrett, Garland
05/20/93 Union County School Merger Plan; Supplemental Taxes 115C-500, 115C-511, 115C-67, 115C-68.2, 115C-68.3, Dawkins, Koy
05/17/93 Authorization of Civilian Employees to commute in State Owned Vehicles; Payment of Fee 143-341, Barefoot, R.A.
05/13/93 Applicability to Attorneys and Law Firms Providing Professional Services 115C-40, 115C-47, 133-23, 133-32, Lamar, L.W.
05/13/93 Approval of Differentiated Pay Plans by State Superintendent of Public Instruction 115C-238.1, 115C-238.3, 115C-238.4, 115C-238.6, Kinlaw, John
05/07/93 Interpretation of the Provisions of Rule 4(h) of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure N/A Bennington, Estie
04/29/93 Cash Gifts from Criminal Defendants to Local Law Enforcement Agencies; Propriety and Fiscal Control 159-15, 159-25, 159-32, 159-8, Gwyn, Edward
04/23/93 Federal Adoption of Property Seized Pursuant to “StateWarrants” 15A-11.1, 15A-258, Grimes, Mike
04/13/93 Extent of the State Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners’ Rulemaking Authority 150B-19, 150B-21.9, 88-23, 88-4, Morgan, Richard
04/12/93 Release of Patient- Specific Information by the North Carolina Medical Database Commission 131E-210, 131E-211, 131E-212, 150B-2, Hazelrigs, James
04/06/93 Statesville Conflict of Interest 14-234, Brock, Gail
1-877-5-NO-SCAM (1-877-566-7226) (919) 716-6000