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The Attorney General may issue legal opinions to state agencies and officials. These opinions provide advice on legal matters. While these opinions do not have the full effect of law or court order, they provide the State’s interpretation of the legal question presented and should be complied with by State agencies and officials.

Requesting a Legal Opinion

The General Assembly, Governor, Auditor, Treasurer, or any other State officer may ask the Attorney General for an opinion (N.C.G.S. § 114-2(5)).

  • State officers may request opinions by writing to the Attorney General at the Attorney General’s Office, 9001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-9001.
  • The Attorney General is not authorized to provide legal advice or give legal opinions to the public.

Legal Opinion Copies

  • Viewable/downloadable Attorney General opinions are available on this page approximately one week after issuance.
  • Copies of opinions prior to 1977 can be obtained free of charge by calling (919) 716-6400 or emailing the office.
  • Printed copies of opinions are also available at the NC Supreme Court Library and other law libraries across the state.

Legal Opinion Search


Date Title Statute Requestor
06/22/77 Establishment of Cartway 136-68, 136-69, Cherry, Bessie
06/22/77 Taxation; Ad Valorem; Municipal Property; Exemption 105-278.1, 160A-312, Settlemeyer, Steve
06/09/77 Sale of Revenue Bonds by Medical Care Commission 131A-1, 131A-11, 131A-22, 131A-25, 14-234, Wilkerson, I.O.
06/07/77 Authority of Grand Jury to Require County Commissioners to Repair Buildings 153A-101, 153A-158, 153A-169, 15A-628, Hutchins, R. Wendel
05/25/77 State Departments, Institutions and Agencies; Personnel Commission; Mandatory Retirement at Age 65 126-4, 135-5, Yelton, Nathan
05/23/77 Uniform Commercial Code; Financing Statements; Security Interests; Register of Deeds 25-9-403, b g, Ayers, Eunice
05/23/77 Municipalities; Ordinances; Regulation of Taxi Cabs 153A-121, 160A-304, 18A-26, 20-113, 20-280, 20-37, 20-4.01, 20-87, 20-97, 62-121.5, 62-121.79, 62-260, Venters, Carl
05/18/77 Centers for Mentally Retarded-Liability of Parents or Guardians for Costs 143-117, 143-118, 143-118.1, 143-120, 143-127.1, Combs, Bobby Lee
05/09/77 Exemption for Professionals in Other Fields 90-270.2, 90-270.4, Cook, Ruth
05/04/77 Authority of Board of Dental Examiners to Regulate Dental Laboratories 90-29, 90-29.1, 90-29.2, Harris, W.S.
04/25/77 Driver’s License; Drunken Driving 2-17, 20-17, 20-19, 20-24, Exum, Patrick
04/22/77 Mandatory Retirement-End of Calendar Month in which Employee Reaches Age 65 126-4, 135-5, Yelton, Nathan
04/22/77 Mass Transportation System Operated – Choanoke Area Development Association 153A-274, 153A-275, 160A-311, 160A-312, 160A-460, 160A-465, 62-2, 62-260, 62-3, Winton, Town of
04/21/77 Judgments; Child Support, Alimony; Recordation 1-233, 50-13.4, 50-16.7, Cantrell, Daphene
04/06/77 Motor Vehicles; Dealer Licensing Law; Sale on Consignment 20-286, 20-82, Wilson, J.G.
04/05/77 Applications for Admission to Treatment Facilities by Married Minors 122-56.2, 122-56.3, 122-56.5, 122-56.7, 48A-2, Bell, Kim
03/29/77 Contracts; Public Bidding; Energy Conservation 143-129, 143-49, 143-52, Hitchcock, Paul
03/29/77 Authority of Special Counsel to Appeal from Commitment Order 122-58.10, 122-58.11, 122-58.12, 122-58.7A, Johnson, C.E.
03/28/77 Public Officers and Employees; Use of State-owned vehicles 14-247, 14-251, 143-341, 147-13, 166-5, 166-6, 166-6.1, Brooks, John
03/15/77 Company and Special Police; Power of Arrest; Territorial Jurisdiction 15-401, 15A-304, 15A-401, 15A-402, 160A-285, 160A-286, 34A, 74A-1, 74A-2, Whichard, Willis
03/13/77 Abolishing Housing Authority; Transfer of Property to City 157-4.1, Rogers, Fred
03/04/77 Labor; Scope of the North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Act 74-24.1, 74-24.2, 74-24.20, Brooks, John
02/24/77 Motor Vehicles; Driving Under the Influence; 0.10% 20-138, 20-139.1, 20-140, Putnam, James
02/04/77 Permissibility of Nurses Following Orders of Licensed Physicians Assistants 90-158, 90-18, 90-18.1, McClearen, Ed
02/03/77 Judgments; Confessions; Custody of Minor Children; Entry by Clerk 1A-1, 50-13.5, Adams, Martha
02/02/77 Involuntary Commitment; Use of Force in Effecting Custody of Mental Patient 122-58.3, 122-58.4, 15A-401, Stakeman, Kurt
01/13/77 Executions; Sheriffs; Service of Writ of Execution for Delivery of Specific Property 1-303, 1-313, 5-1, Drum, C.E.
01/05/77 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal; Granting Franchise to Private Firms 160A-192, 160A-195, 160A-311, 160A-313, 160A-319, 160A-321, Britt, Luther
01/08/76 Application for Licensure Received by the Board of Examiners 132-1, 132-6, 90-292, 93B-2, 93B-3, Newton, Mariana
01/08/76 Corporations; Corporate Name; Corporate Purpose 55-12, 83-1, 83-12, Styles, Jack
01/08/76 State Departments, Institutions and Agencies; Municipalities; Zoning 146-22.1, 160A-392, Green, James
12/09/55 Medicine; Practice of Medicine by Corporations N/A N/A
1-877-5-NO-SCAM (1-877-566-7226) (919) 716-6000