For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Nazneen Ahmed (919) 716-0060
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein released the following statement after filing a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that western North Carolina residents should be able to continue their antitrust litigation against HCA Healthcare System.
“Too often, when one hospital swallows up another, care gets more expensive and quality gets worse. That is why allegations of monopoly pricing are so serious, especially in health care. Health care systems cannot be allowed to use their size and market dominance to harm North Carolinians who need accessible, affordable, quality health care. The competition and affordability concerns at the heart of this case could have a significant impact on customers in western North Carolina. I’m urging the court to allow this case to move forward, as courts have done in similar antitrust cases, so that HCA’s business practices, including relationships with insurers, can be scrutinized by the court. I’ll continue to do everything I can to protect North Carolinians’ health care.”
A copy of the brief is available here.