Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Our office has received several reports of an email scam offering phony renewal subscriptions to computer services and virus protection software. The scammers try to steal people’s money by tricking them into calling in with their bank account information. They often target older North Carolinians.
The company listed in the email changes regularly. Our office is working hard to shut down these scams. In the meantime, we want you to be aware. You can protect yourself by following these tips:
- Don’t respond to unsolicited emails from a company with a name you don’t recognize or don’t have an account with. If a company contacts you and you’re unsure of their authenticity, call our office.
- Never share financial or personal information like a birth date, Social Security number, or bank account number with an untrusted or unknown source.
- Regularly monitor your financial accounts to make sure there are no unauthorized charges.
As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s crucial that we do so with accurate information and protect our personal information and money in the process. If you believe that you have been the victim of a scam, contact our office’s Consumer Protection Division at ncdoj.gov/file-a-complaint or 1-877-5-NO-SCAM.