For Immediate Release:
Monday, June 1, 2020
Laura Brewer (919) 716-6484
(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein today shared new resources for people facing addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The resources, developed in coordination with Addiction Professionals of North Carolina and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, connect North Carolinians to treatment options, recovery resources, and other services. The resources are available here.
“This pandemic has put additional burdens and stress on North Carolinians with the disease of addiction who need treatment and support,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “I hope this information gives people facing addiction and their loved ones options for support and treatment so they can begin or continue their recovery journeys.”
The current pandemic has led to isolation and a heightened risk of overdose for people with addiction due to disruptions in access to needed medications, health care, and treatment and recovery support services. The More Powerful NC resources released today include information on how addiction treatment and recovery services have adapted to respond to the pandemic, as well additional resources for helpers supporting a loved one with addiction and behavioral health services providers treating people with addiction.
“We are encouraged by the people of our state who are taking time to reach out to their family, friends, and neighbors to make sure they are okay,” said Sarah Potter, Executive Director of Addiction Professionals of North Carolina. “We hope these new resources will allow people with addiction to find the help they need. With rates of addiction, overdose, and suicide on the rise, and with service providers facing budget cuts and layoffs, offering resources and support to those facing addiction and mental health challenges is more important than ever.”
For more information on Attorney General Stein’s efforts to combat the opioid epidemic in North Carolina, visit www.MorePowerfulNC.org.
More on Attorney General Stein’s work to protect North Carolinians during the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Attorney General Josh Stein Wins Preliminary Injunction Against Trucking Company in COVID-19 Price Gouging Lawsuit
- Attorney General Josh Stein Calls On Congress to Protect COVID-19 First Responders
- Attorney General Josh Stein Leads 39-State Coalition Urging Congress to Increase Internet Access During COVID-19
- Attorney General Josh Stein Commends FHFA Rule Change to Help Borrowers
- Attorney General Josh Stein Calls On Dept. of Education to Stop Garnishing Wages of Student Loan Borrowers
- For a full overview of this work, please visit ncdoj.gov/covid19