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Search Results for: Firearm

…Ms. Amanda Thompson, Director, North Carolina State Crime Laboratory Mr. Brian Dew, Forensic Lab Manager, New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Ms. Rebecca Smith, Technical Leader for the Firearms Section, Michigan…

…for children in the United States is firearm-related injuries. More than 80 percent of teen suicides nationwide involve a gun belonging to a family member. In Durham last year, more…

…enacted a law limiting access to firearms for those subject to domestic violence restraining orders. The appeals court ruling puts at risk domestic violence victims who may be harmed or…

…those related to crimes involving children. Latent evidence – development and identification of latent evidence that connects a suspect to a crime scene, including fingerprints, palm prints, and footprints. Firearms…

Firearms Scientists Examine and compare fired bullets and cartridge cases collected from a crime scene to determine if they were fired from a specific firearm. Education Requirements BA, BS, or…

…safe. The brief, filed in U.S. v. Steven Perez, argues that federal laws to prevent people from transporting or receiving firearms from outside their home state are necessary to protect…

…be maintained with the other documented scores for the firearms training. Every firearms instructor has been required in their specialized training to develop such a course, so he/she should have…

…Wilson was sentenced to 19 years in prison for brandishing a firearm during a robbery. The Crime Lab analyzed gloves from the investigation for DNA and was able to match…

Firearms, updates the ATF’s interpretations of “firearm” and “frame or receiver” as used in the Gun Control Act of 1968 to clarify that weapon kits and incomplete weapon parts, both…

…purchase firearms. Although the laws differ, virtually every state and the District of Columbia has imposed some age-based limits on the sale or use of firearms. Courts across the country…